Male Mandarin duck, April 26, 2013 |
One of the most exotic birds that we see at Yorba Regional Park is the Mandarin duck. The first time we saw one, it was pointed out to us by another walker. Our first pictures date to May 2012 (note the lack of sail-feathers on the wings.)
Male Mandarin duck & male Wood duck, April 27, 2012
That first year, it was only one, and he left pretty soon. (I didn't know what the females looked like then, so I don't know if there was a pair.) Then, the next spring, he was back!
Male Mandarin duck, April 26, 2013 |
With his lady-love! (And his sail-feathers are looking a bit ragged...)
Mandarin ducks, May 21, 2013 |
And again in Spring 2014... showing off his sail-feathers
Male Mandarin duck, April 13, 2014 |
He stayed around until October... still showing off!
Male Mandarin duck courtship pose, October 4, 2014 |
And now we see why!
Mandarin ducks, October 17, 2014 |
There were at least three males & two females, and they stayed all winter, still courting...
Male Mandarin duck courtship, January 31, 2015 |
Mandarin ducks, February 6, 2015 |
And then, this weekend, something I hadn't expected at all: looking for a nesting spot... in a tree!
Mandarin ducks looking for a nesting site, March 27, 2015 |
I knew they were related to wood ducks, which nest in trees, but I really hadn't made the connection!
Mandarin ducks looking for a nesting site, March 27, 2015 |
Sure would be exciting to see babies!
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